A Simple Approach To Drying Lumber

Within the wood, free water can move through the capillary structure if the wood is permeable enough. This mode of mass transfer is important in fast-drying woods such as the pines (Pinus spp.). Capillary forces, and to a certain extent heating of the wood, cause pressure gradients which result in free water movement. Smaller capillaries tend to pull water from browse around this web-site large capillaries so that evaporation from pits near the surface can pull water from the interior of the wood. Once some cells lose most of the free water, a continuous pathway of water is no longer present and moisture cannot move as a liquid. The moisture content present in wood is an important consideration in practically all phases of wood utilization.

Wood feels ready to use after phase#1 drying is complete, but it’s not nearly dry enough to prevent trouble. Newer wood drying technologies have included the use of reduced atmospheric pressure to attempt to speed up the drying process. A variety of vacuum technologies exist, varying primarily in the method heat is introduced into the wood charge. Hot water platten vacuum kilns use aluminum heating plates with the water circulating within as the heat source, and typically operate at significantly reduced absolute pressure. Discontinuous and SSV (super-heated steam) use atmosphere to introduce heat into the kiln charge. Discontinuous technology allows the entire kiln charge to come up to full atmospheric pressure, the air in the chamber is then heated, and finally vacuum is pulled.

Accelerated Air

The reliable operation of motors is critically important, as motor breakdowns would result in long delays in production. Motors can also have an impact on the operating costs and environmental https://bestwoodcarvingtool.com/drying-wood/ impacts of sawmills. Energy efficiency in kilns, which are highly energy-intensive, can be improved with technological solutions that comply with current requirements.

  • Damage from shrinkage is not a problem here, as it may be in the case of drying for woodworking purposes.
  • The energy required to evaporate this water is the same required to boil water.
  • Such environments demand a great deal from motors, and standard industrial motors are not even suitable for use under such conditions.

Once this happens, you may need a professional exterminator to fumigate your stack or shop. Now that you understand how and why wood https://bestwoodcarvingtool.com/ moves, let’s build a proper stack for air-drying. It should be level, protected from sun and rain, and provide good air circulation.

Weight The Stack

Then I put two heavy timbers running the length of the pile. Finally, I put 3″ to 4″ square bunks across the timbers ready to receive the layers of lumber. Some people lay their bunks right on the ground and you can do this, but it is very hard to get so many pieces level and then maintain that status through changing seasons and weather.

drying wood